Optimization of CX in Customer Service - YourCX

Optimization of CX in Customer Service

Poland  | telecommunications, tourism, e-commerce, services  |  sample size: 100 000

Customer Experience

Studies confirm that a satisfied customer is a loyal customer. By optimizing customer experience, you can consequently increase your conversion rates, as well as enhance retention and the likelihood to recommend a brand, website or service. Such actions also drive the whisper marketing, which ultimately translates into increased revenue.

Full-scale surveys of experience should consist in continuous monitoring of customer satisfaction, with taking into account the full context of responses. Understanding your customers should rely first on identifying their needs and analysing their emotions. Those actions then allow to predict their behaviour at all brand touchpoints. Identifying areas that require additional work allows also for effective planning of business development activities.

Our approach

Regardless of the type of business (e-commerce, banking, transport, etc.), the channels of direct contact with customers have the greatest influence on brand image and further purchasing decisions of customers. YourCX studies confirm that the likelihood to recommend web services among the users who seek solving a problem or the support from consultants depends mainly on the answers received to the questions asked. The NPS rate is more than 300% higher among the users who found the answer than among those who did not receive it. Large differences are also noted in the context of conversion analysis, as conversion rate is even more than 550% higher among the customers satisfied with their contacts with Customer Service.

YourCX tools allow implementing the surveys of quality of contact with Customer Service across multiple channels, both via livechat (surveys displayed after the chat is finished) and e-mail (possibility to evaluate the consultant by clicking the appropriate email footer icon) or phone (request for evaluation of the conversation, sent via SMS or e-mail). With advanced capabilities of contextual data acquisition (including the automatic saving of consultant id, problem id, problem category, customer account type, etc.) and extensive tools for analysing those data (combining declarative data with contextual data), full monitoring of direct customer contact channels is possible.

Below an example of the implementation for CS of the online store Militaria.pl (contact by email):

Guaranteed results

YourCX’s research into Customer Service Centres is used, among other things, to continually increase the competence of consultants. Additional training and workshops are provided on the basis of the reported problems, and internal benchmarks allow to evaluate the quality of consultants’ work (e.g. their knowledge, response speed, courtesy). There is no denying that the success of support and sales activities in customer service largely relates to the effectiveness of individual consultants. YourCX observations show that the differences in evaluation of consultants can be very large, even several dozen points, as regards the NPS.

Below is an example of a differences in evaluation of livechat consultants (the NPS), assuming a base value of 0 for “Consultant 1” (we do not publish specific results of our Clients):

Our studies confirm also that the will to optimize the experiences, organizational commitment and the willingness to organize the trainings translate into immediate results:

In addition to analysing direct contacts with Customer Service, it is important to bear in mind other aspects of seeking support by the customers. It is therefore important to constantly monitor the help sections, including the webpages that aggregate answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). Also the ease of finding a contact with a consultant or information about brick-and-mortar locations is of key significance.

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