Social - opinions and reviews - YourCX

Social - opinions and reviews

Listen to your customers and manage your relationship with them online

Monitor your reviews on Google maps

Monitoring self-reviews on Google MapsWith the collection and analysis of data from Google Maps Reviews, a company can learn about the spontaneous ratings of its customers. This makes it possible to react quickly to problems, respond to feedback, and provide extensive analysis of potential problems as well as areas of satisfaction. Whether you have 10 or 1,000 stores, the platform will support you in monitoring and analyzing events on a regular basis.
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It is possible to analyze, among other things, such data as the time/date of completion, rating, opinion and nickname of the person leaving the comment - in addition to this, the data can be enriched (depending on the customer's needs) with the outlet's ID, exact location or additional dimensions defining the territorial structure (e.g. reflecting the sales structure and regions).

Monitoring the opinion of any competitor

Every company operates in a business environment with competitors. By monitoring competitor reviews, you can find out how you compare with the competition or what the problems of the overall industry are. Local benchmarking can also be used in planning marketing activities.
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Collecting and analyzing data from Google Maps allows a company to learn about and analyze spontaneous ratings of individual outlets of competitors. The company can compare ratings and reviews directly to close competitors (per outlet) or approach the topic generically - focusing on overall ratings/ benchmarking against competitors and deeper geographic analysis.

Feedback management - respond, analyze data

In meeting customers' expectations, it is not enough just to know their opinions, but also to measure yourself directly against the feedback, so it is worthwhile to engage in comments and responses to them. You can follow the conversation and respond to inquiries quickly to cultivate customer loyalty. While you can't influence what customers say about your company, you can strategize how to respond to specific feedback. Using our feedback management solution, in addition to saving time, you can actually respond to a reviewer in real time.

Real-time reporting and analysis

With real-time reporting, a company can benefit from a wide range of analytics that provide instant insights into customer sentiment and experience to learn about current trends as quickly as possible. Take advantage of instant alerts, dashboards updated in real time, or reports that allow you to take a strategic look at your sales network. Easily combine analytics with data from other stationary store surveys.
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The alert system is an email notification sent to predefined units (given departments in the organization or individual employees) about an event. The event is predefined - it can be a notification by users of the website of a given error or any other event. The use of alerts influences the speed of reaction in relation to business opportunities or threats, which results in time savings, as the key information goes precisely to the owner of a given process.

The number of alerts programmed to specific departments/persons in a company is infinite (depending on the needs of a given organization).

Dashboards, on the other hand, allow you to track, analyze and display your company's key metrics, indicators and data points to monitor the health of your company, department or specific process or facility. They can be customized according to the company's needs to specific audiences or address specific areas. The main purpose of a dashboard is to provide a comprehensive picture created from consumer reviews and ratings - data is fed into the dashboard on an ongoing basis. Dashboards make it possible to observe the organization's most significant results and immediately intervene in case of undesirable developments.

Geoanalysis based on store locations

Accurate geographic analysis allows for a more accurate understanding of the customer. Which can help in the deployment of either outdoor or online area-targeted campaigns tailored to the specifics of customers in a given area. The issue can be looked at from the perspective of individual outlets as well as the entire brand for individual cities.

Manage all business cards on maps at once

Managing store business cards on Google maps allows you to apply or change information in bulk - from changing store opening hours and addresses to renaming outlets and standardizing the shape of business cards. Regardless of the number of stores where changes need to be made, it can be done in no time.
Zbieranie i analizowania danych z Google Maps pozwala firmie poznać oraz analizować spontaniczne wystawiane oceny poszczególnych placówek konkurencji. Firma może porównywać oceny oraz opinie bezpośrednio bliskiej konkurencji (per placówka) lub podejść do tematy generycznie - skupiając się na ogólnych ocenach/ benchmarkować się na tle konkurencji oraz głębiej przeprowadzać analizy geograficzne.

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