YourCX - comprehensive research platform

The only platform for research, you need

YourCX platform provides the right solutions for each type of research. Diverse online research scenarios, research on brick-and-mortar stores, mobile application research? Integration with results from other platforms? Ready solutions are waiting for you.
Increasing engagement, loyalty and sales

Research and get to know your customers

Analysis of the impact of needs and problems on behavior

Customers' problems and needs are never disconnected from business indicators. Determining the ROI for CX activities or the impact of specific problems on sales is not complicated. Ready-made solutions will quickly show the relationship between satisfaction and business KPIs.

Full support in every aspect of research

An experienced team of experts provides substantive and technical support throughout the project and proposes the best and proven research solutions. Quick and efficient response to needs is the basis of our operation.

A complete picture of satisfaction and behavior thanks to combining data from many sources

Knowledge about customers is not only research declarations, but also information about their behavior and habits. By combining data from multiple surveys, events from the website and the mobile app, it is possible to present a complete picture of customer satisfaction.

Involvement of all associates in the use of data

YourCX platform allows you to participate in the process of optimizing customer experience and use of research results by all colleagues. Everyone, depending on their needs, can receive tailored notifications, reports, dashboards or have access to the appropriate range of information.

What experience do we have?

Multikino korzysta ze wsparcia zespołu YourCX już od prawie dwóch lat, gromadząc i wykorzystując z ich pomocą wiedzę na temat doświadczeń widzów kin oraz użytkowników serwisu Zakres współpracy w tym czasie dynamicznie ewoluował – od małego projektu związanego z potrzebą zbadania potrzeb kinomaniaków...

Zobacz Case Study

Zespół YourCX współpracuje z Decathlon Polska już ponad 4 lata. W tym czasie wspólnie zrealizowaliśmy wiele ciekawych projektów obejmujących badania doświadczeń Klientów oraz użytkowników serwisu Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z case study opisującym naszą współpracę z firmą Decathlon – największym sprzedawcą artykułów sportowych na świecie...

Zobacz Case Study

Badania CX a kanał tradycyjny

Podstawą efektywnej wielokanałowej strategii jest zdobycie i wykorzystanie wiedzy o znaczeniu każdego kanału sprzedaży. Sprawdź, jak badamy skalę efektu ROPO oraz poznaj metody gromadzenia danych dotyczących satysfakcji, emocji i opinii powiązanych z doświadczeniami w kanale offline (sklepy stacjonarne, punkty obsługi klienta)!

Zobacz Case Study

How do we do it?

We integrate research, analytical, feedback management and event monitoring mechanisms into a single platform. The platform is developed in accordance with the changing needs of customers and the availability of new technological solutions. We combine declarative data, obtained through surveys, with contextual data (paths, conversion, technical information). No tool available on the market will provide you with such complementary knowledge on experience research (Customer Experience).

Who do we work for?

YourCX's offering is tailored to the needs of both large entities and corporations, as well as smaller companies, including emerging e-commerce platforms. Our clients include companies in a variety of industries - from online and omnichannel retailers, travel and entertainment services, to banking. We study various processes (sales, delivery, customer service, traditional point-of-sale experience) and brand touch points (online, offline, mobile). We have developed solutions for various research purposes and problems, but we are also ready for new challenges. The use of our tools translates directly into revenue growth and improvement of your brand image.

Why is it worth researching customer experience?

It is all about the welfare of consumers - their convenience, peace of mind and satisfaction. We make companies aware that when doing business it is worthwhile to constantly monitor customer behavior and their growing demands, and to take into account the social changes resulting from the rapid development of technology. Who else but the other person will provide us with knowledge of their needs? Assuming what a consumer expects and needs can be compared to walking through the woods blindfolded. We, on the other hand, put in your hands tools and solutions, thanks to which, on the basis of hard data, you will understand what your customer needs, what bothers him and what you can do to earn his appreciation for a long time. These actions will translate into profitability and efficiency for your business.

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