The impact of emotions on sales changes over time - YourCX

The impact of emotions on sales changes over time


The image above is a summary of a study of emotions and their impact on sales for one of our partners. The survey was conducted via email after order pickup, while the analysis itself looked at how emotions felt by customers at the order pickup stage affect repeat purchases.

What were the results and conclusions?

The highest percentage of repeat purchases during the following 4 months after the survey was conducted was among those who expressed sadness and disgust, while surprise and confidence were the lowest. Rather out of line with expectations regarding emotions 🙂

To correctly analyze such results , you need to put context on them, carefully analyze which client groups express such emotions. What later came out after closer analysis? Sadness was expressed by heavy users who lacked specific additional products, but who keep coming back anyway due to the fact that they like the store.

The above analysis shows that initially one can rely on generalized conclusions, somewhat intuitive, that increased satisfaction (improved emotions) translates into improved conversions. But when conducting more extensive and real-world analysis, one has to reckon that this is not the case, at least in general. It is important to isolate specific business groups and analyze the correlation of CX with ROI, as different groups will have different problems, different emotions, different behaviors.

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