Employee opinion survey: The key to improving the work environment - YourCX

Employee opinion survey: The key to improving the work environment


Understanding what's on the minds of employees doesn't require the ability to read minds. Conducting an employee satisfaction survey gives employers a tool for an in-depth analysis of the company's internal situation. It provides an opportunity not only to assess financial factors, but also to see what overall satisfaction people have with their employees, and whether there is something that reduces employee engagement and thus weakens the entire organization.

In an era of a competitive labor market, understanding the needs and expectations of staff can be a critical element for the success of a company. Analyzing the benefits of regular satisfaction surveys and discussing the important questions that should be included in the survey will allow businesses to optimize HR policies, build employee engagement and build a strong employer brand.

The impact of regular employee satisfaction surveys on organizational effectiveness

Regular analysis of the level of staff satisfaction contributes to the optimization of internal processes by early detection and addressing areas for improvement. Regular employee satisfaction surveys make it possible to:

  • Prevent crises: Responding quickly to warning signs reduces the risk of escalating problems, which could negatively affect the tasks performed by colleagues.

  • Tailor management strategies: an individualized approach to the needs of each employee increases their commitment and productivity. In an employee satisfaction survey, it is possible to verify expectations about the work performed, and this is a good input to improve the overall management process.

In addition, systematic employee opinion surveys contribute to creating a positive image of the company, which is key in:

  • Attracting talent: A high reputation as an employer makes a company more attractive to potential candidates. Identifying the determinants of employee satisfaction

  • Retaining valuable employees: Building loyalty and improving employee motivation. Discovering weaknesses in processes should be one of the primary goals of employee feedback surveys.

Investing in periodic evaluation of satisfaction and engagement is not only a preventive strategy, but also a key element in pursuing long-term success, as well as promoting organizational health and employee well-being.

Employee satisfaction survey - what to ask?

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An employee satisfaction survey should be multidimensional, to potentially cover all processes, as well as factors that affect the duties performed and job satisfaction. An objective assessment of employee satisfaction should consist of such elements as:

  • Pay is a critical factor affecting the overall assessment of the workplace. It is important to understand how the paycheck correlates with satisfaction with the function, whether it is adequate for the duties performed, and whether it is at market level.

  • Team atmosphere is also important; good relationships among co-workers translate into productivity and job satisfaction. A cohesive team can be much more productive than one in which there is friction in the course of work, so the topic of atmosphere is very important.

  • Communication with management plays a role in the feeling of support and understanding of expectations, both company-wide and in individual departments. It is worth finding out whether employees are not thrown under the feet, whether superiors are constantly available for conversation, whether they support subordinates in the company.

  • Influence on decisions in the company - employees who feel that they are listened to and their ideas are taken into account are more likely to engage in activities for the development of the organization. It is the employees who feel what the needs of the customers are, they have direct contact with them, so ensuring influence on the direction of the company is a very important element.

  • Last, but not least, is the issue of professional development and promotion paths. They should be clearly defined, while in employee satisfaction surveys allow you to verify that they really are.

How to conduct a regular employee satisfaction survey?

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An employee satisfaction survey should be conducted using online surveys, which are now one of the most effective methods for studying employee satisfaction with work. Such a survey has many benefits:

  • Quick data collection: Allows express collection and processing of employee satisfaction survey results.

  • Flexibility: The ability to complete the employee opinion survey on any device at your convenience

  • Automation: automatic processing of results and subsequent distribution of knowledge

The electronic survey also allows you to customize the questions to the specifics of your company, which translates into the quality and accuracy of the information obtained. Easy analysis of the data and preparation of reports allows effective implementation of changes to improve employee satisfaction. Such advantages are not available in surveys conducted in traditional form, i.e. on paper.

Sample employee opinion survey questions

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Here are examples of questions that can be used in employee surveys to verify employee satisfaction:

Overall job satisfaction

  • How satisfied are you with your current job on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means "completely dissatisfied" and 10 means "completely satisfied"?

  • Would you recommend our company as a place to work to your friends or family? Why?

  • What do you like best about your job?

Relationships in the workplace

  • How do you rate your cooperation with your teammates?

  • Do you feel supported by your superiors?

  • Do you feel part of a team in your workplace?

  • How often do you receive constructive feedback from your colleagues or superiors?

Working conditions

  • Do you feel that the working conditions at your place of employment are adequate?

  • Do you have access to all the tools and resources you need to do your job?

  • Is the office space/workplace comfortable and conducive to your concentration?

  • How do you rate the flexibility of working hours or the ability to work remotely in terms of your needs?

Professional development

  • Do you have opportunities to grow professionally and learn new skills in your job?

  • Are your professional achievements recognized by your superiors?

  • Do you feel that the company invests in your professional development?

  • What additional training or courses would help you further your professional development?

Work-life balance

  • How would you rate your work-life balance?

  • Do your working hours allow you to take care of personal matters and family?

  • Do work responsibilities negatively affect your personal life?

  • Does the company support you in maintaining a healthy work-life balance?

Earnings and benefits

  • Are you satisfied with your salary level and additional benefits?

  • Does the salary reflect your work contribution?

  • How do you rate the company's bonus or bonus system?

  • Do the fringe benefits (e.g. medical care, sports card) meet your expectations?

Internal communication

  • How do you rate the quality of internal communication in the company?

  • Is information regarding important decisions communicated to employees in a clear and understandable manner?

  • Do you feel that communication between different departments of the company is effective?

  • Do you feel that your opinions and suggestions are heard by management?

Job security

  • Do you feel safe at your workplace?

  • Does the company take adequate care of workplace safety standards?

  • Have you received adequate job safety training?

  • Did you encounter any situation at work that made you feel uncomfortable or threatened?

Satisfaction with management style

  • How would you rate the management style at the company?

  • Do you feel that your supervisors are competent and fair?

  • Do your supervisors clearly communicate expectations of you?

  • How do you rate the availability of your supervisors when you need support or advice?

Loyalty and growth prospects

  • Have you considered changing jobs in the past year?

  • How do you see your future at the company?

  • What changes in the company could increase your job satisfaction?

  • Do you think your work is appreciated in an appropriate way by the company?

These questions can be adapted depending on the specifics of the organization and the objectives of the survey. It is important to phrase the questions in a way that will elicit honest and precise answers.

Sample Case Study: IT company


A medium-sized IT company noticed an increase in employee turnover and a decrease in productivity. Management decided to conduct a comprehensive employee survey to understand the causes and find solutions.


The employee satisfaction survey was designed to examine various aspects of work, including satisfaction with wages, working conditions, development opportunities, internal communication and relations with superiors. Participation was anonymous, which encouraged employees to be candid.


Analysis of the survey results revealed key areas of dissatisfaction:

  • Professional development: The majority of employees felt the company did not offer enough development and training opportunities.

  • Communication: There were gaps in communication between teams, and management decisions were often perceived as opaque.

  • Work-life balance: There were many indications that overtime had become the norm, negatively affecting employees' private lives.

Implemented Actions

Based on the survey results, the company has taken the following steps:

  1. Personal development plans: Introduced individual development plans for employees, including a budget for training and conferences.

  2. Improved communication: Organizing regular meetings between all teams and management to discuss company strategies and gather feedback.

  3. Flexible work time policy: Introducing flexible start and end options and remote work days to improve work-life balance.


Six months after implementing the changes, the company noticed:

  • A significant 30% decrease in employee turnover.

  • An improvement in employee satisfaction surveys, particularly in the areas of professional development and work-life balance.

  • Increased employee productivity and engagement, thanks to a better understanding of the company's goals and a feeling that their voice is being heard.


The company's case study demonstrates the importance of listening to employees and responding to their needs. The employee survey not only helped identify key issues, but also laid the foundation for a strategy to improve the work environment and employee satisfaction, resulting in increased productivity and employee loyalty.

Creating an employee satisfaction survey? Easier than you think!

Creating an employee satisfaction survey can be quick and hassle-free. Using the right tools, you can effectively monitor employee satisfaction, making it part of standard procedure in your HR department. When you work with YourCX, you get full support in every aspect:

  • Survey preparation: A variety of survey templates are available that include open-ended and closed-ended questions to help you develop an effective survey tool. Also, you can easily automate the mailing to continuously analyze employee satisfaction.

  • Technical as well as substantive support: Our specialists will help you launch surveys on a test basis as well as implement an ongoing employee opinion survey process in production.

  • Analytical tools: Advanced yet easy-to-use tools allow you to perform in-depth analysis of the collected data. Take advantage of segmentation, filtering, data comparisons as well as alerts on particularly interesting cases.

  • Automated reports: Reports, dashboards, notifications - any research tool useful for analyzing employee survey results are available to help you analyze your data.

Sign up for a free account and start helping your organization improve human resource management today.

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