Continuity of research is the basis of good Customer Experience Management - YourCX

Continuity of research is the basis of good Customer Experience Management


Continuous experimental research - why use it?

To achieve the desired goals today, it is crucial to conduct uniform and continuous research. Only with such an approach will experience optimization be effective and efficient. Satisfaction monitoring should therefore be approached multidimensionally, starting with the development of a long-term research strategy that addresses at least a few key brand touchpoints.

CX research should not be treated as a one-time action. Optimizing the experience, regardless of the channel (whether for online service, offline sales, customer service contact or delivery), is an ongoing process. By making changes and not monitoring their effects, you can really only harm yourself - current results are one thing, and change trends are another. There is a reason why traffic monitoring in Google Analytics is done on a continuous basis, rather than randomly every so often.

The data you receive from ad hoc surveys is definitely incomplete and uncertain information in your business. The research implemented in such a farm provides only an outline of the situation from a given period. What happens afterwards? What impact do our actions have on customer satisfaction? How do the market, competition and habits affect the brand image? These are questions that can only be answered with uniform and continuous research. Competitor monitoring should be a permanent part of operations.

The scale of research implementation is also crucial. Thus, it is very important to capture the experience at various points of contact between the consumer and the brand. Thanks to such activities, it is possible to define the Customer Journey, identify problems and problematic paths, determine factors influencing respondents' declarations and emotions, and determine the impact of declarations on relevant micro-conversions (purchase, registration, newsletter, etc.). And don't forget about the possibilities of using the data for remarketing and strengthening ties with the most loyal customers, making the cost of research pay off faster. Continuous experience surveys help to constantly observe customer needs, improve customer service and enhance positive customer experiences.

Advantages and disadvantages of continuous customer experience research

Constant never ending improvement

Conducting continuous customer experience research has its advantages and disadvantages, which are important for both small and large businesses. Here is a more detailed description of these aspects.


  1. Increase customer satisfaction: Regular surveys allow you to respond quickly to customers' needs and expectations, which increases their satisfaction with the products and services you offer.

  2. Optimization of offerings: By continuously monitoring the customer experience, a company can better adapt its offerings to changing market trends and consumer preferences.

  3. Increased customer retention: Customers who feel that their opinions are important and taken into account are more loyal and willing to do long-term business with us.

  4. Innovation development: Customer feedback can be a valuable source of inspiration for new ideas and innovations in products or services.

  5. Improving communication with customers: Ongoing research provides a better understanding of the language and messages that best resonate with audiences.


  1. Survey risk: Frequent surveys can lead to the phenomenon of "surveyization," a situation in which customers feel overwhelmed by the number of surveys and studies, which can result in a lower propensity to participate.

  2. Difficulties in interpretation: Collecting data from different sources and through different methods can make it difficult to interpret results clearly and draw accurate conclusions.

  3. Variability of opinions: Customer opinions can be volatile and dependent on many external factors, making it difficult to build a long-term strategy based solely on this data.

  4. Time cost: In addition to the financial cost, analyzing data and implementing changes based on surveys takes time, which in a rapidly changing business environment can be a barrier.

  5. Risk of overinterpretation: There is a risk that companies may over-rely on survey data, ignoring other important aspects of the business or intuition.

Despite these challenges, ongoing research into negative as well as positive customer experiences is an invaluable tool for companies that want to grow and adapt to their customers' needs. The key to success is finding the right balance between collecting and analyzing data and acting on the information obtained to provide the best possible customer experience.

What kind of research to conduct on a continuous basis?

Continuous research, as opposed to ad-hoc surveys, allows for continuous monitoring of the market, consumer trends, employee opinions and the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Here are some types of surveys that are particularly suitable for continuous conduct:

  1. Customer satisfaction monitoring - regular customer satisfaction surveys allow you to respond on an ongoing basis to changes in customer expectations and needs, as well as identify areas for improvement.

  2. Analysis of market trends - continuous tracking of changes in the market, including new consumer trends, product innovations or competitors' activities, allows quick adaptation to the changing environment.

  3. Measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns - regular evaluation of the results of ongoing advertising and promotional campaigns allows optimization of marketing strategies and allocation of budgets to the most effective channels.

  4. Customer loyalty surveys - continuous monitoring of loyalty indicators, such as NPS (Net Promoter Score), helps maintain the existing customer base and identify potential brand ambassadors.

  5. Analyzing customer purchase paths - constantly observing how customers find products, what information channels are most important to them and what factors influence the purchase decision allows marketing strategies to be adjusted to current consumer behavior.

  6. Tracking changes in brand perception - regular study of how a brand is perceived by consumers allows early detection of possible image problems and quick response to negative trends.

  7. Usability and user experience research - for digital and e-commerce companies, continuous testing and optimization of user interfaces, the shopping process or application functionality are key to staying competitive and satisfying customers.

Conducting this research on a continuous basis provides organizations with a competitive advantage by enabling rapid adaptation to market changes and a better understanding of customer needs. With an ever-changing landscape and technical capabilities, processes are needed to allow customers to leave feedback at all times, while companies optimize the product and each service they offer.

Case Study: Retail Network

Challenge: A retail chain specializing in apparel wanted to understand how their customers' experiences and loyalty change over time in order to continuously adjust their marketing strategies and offerings to meet changing expectations.

The solution: the company decided to work with YourCX to implement a system for continuous monitoring of customer experience and loyalty. YourCX used a combination of data collection tools, including post-purchase online surveys, website behavior analysis and social media monitoring to gather customer feedback. In addition, a classification system for customer comments was used to identify key themes and trends.

Results: Regular reports and analysis provided by YourCX enabled the retailer to respond quickly to negative trends and use positive feedback to enhance brand image. Customer service was improved by implementing changes suggested by customer feedback, which in turn contributed to an increase in Net Promoter Score (NPS). Analysis of the data also made it possible to identify and develop the product mix that generated the greatest customer loyalty and satisfaction. The use of a combination of tools made it possible to manage the customer experience.

Long-term benefits: YourCX's systematic research of customer experience and loyalty helped the company stay competitive in the market by continuously improving its offerings and shopping experience. This has allowed the company to build lasting relationships with customers and increase their commitment to the brand. Studies show that satisfied customers are more likely to return, which translates into better financial results for the company.

In other words - in order to meet the needs of customers, it is necessary to listen to them constantly, collecting data on all key elements and processes along with additional context. YourCX's embrace of the strategy of combining research with analytics further enables it to assess the situation on both a management and general level, as well as respond to individual problems. Implementing such a strategy directly increases customer satisfaction and good customer experience, and boosts whisper marketing, translating into increased conversions and business growth.

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